The Eighth Biennial Conference on Adoption and Culture will be held virtually this year. Talks will be prerecorded and available for watching/listening for two weeks prior to the "live" portion of the conference, held on Zoom, on Friday, Oct. 22 and Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021, from 9am-3pm, EST.
Access to the materials and live sessions for the conference is by registration. Regular registration will be $120. We will also have a reduced rate of $60 for those who need it.
Your conference registration fees defray the costs of professional media assistance and posting/hosting, and include membership in ASAC, which comes with a one-year online and/or print subscription to our journal, Adoption & Culture. This conference, including subscriptions, will cost the organization about $11,000 to host (about a quarter of the cost of an in-person conference). As is usual at a scholarly conference, none of our participants is paid to present; keynotes are offered a small honorarium.
We understand that people may have various abilities to cover their portion of these costs. Thus, if you can pay the regular registration of $120, we ask that you do. If you can't, please pay what you can, with a minimum of $60. We also welcome donations, which are used to support those who are less able to pay.
If you would, please pay through our shop at
You can pay through PayPal or by card at this site.
If you paid by credit card prior to Friday, Sept. 17, please check your statement to make sure you've been charged.
If you haven't, please use the link above to re-register. PayPal's smart buttons have been glitchy and have not proven to complete our transactions; thus, we've shifted to this storefront model.
If you were already charged, please contact Emily Hipchen ( Thank you.
When you register, if you are not automatically asked to do so, please provide your name, address, and your email address.
Thank you so much for your patience! Contact Emily Hipchen for any assistance you might need in getting registered.